
Oral Hygiene

admin321  |  November 23 7

Say "Ahhh!" It may disclose more than you anticipate.

Your oral hygiene can have a significant impact on your general health, as you`ve probably heard. For instance, gum disease has been connected to a number of illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, premature labor, and even Alzheimer`s.

That is why maintaining your teeth are so crucial. However, simply brushing and flossing as directed and going to the dentist frequently might not be enough.

However, you can assist to improve both your oral hygiene and the rest of your health by following these 5 easy actions. And who wouldn`t grin in response to that?

·      Wait Before Brushing:

Have you developed the practice of drinking orange juice first thing in the morning? Afterward, you should wait a while before brushing your teeth.

Low pH foods and beverages, also known as acidic foods, temporarily erode tooth enamel. According to Michael Lynch, D.M.D., Ph.D., Global Director of Oral Care and Fellow Global Scientific Engagement for Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., if you brush your teeth right after flossing, you risk removing some of the enamel and increasing your risk of tooth decay over time.

Your best bet is to wait till after you`ve had tomatoes, soda, wine, and citrus fruits and drinks. According to one study, participants who waited 30 to 60 minutes after consuming soda had less wear on their teeth.

·      Use a Soft-Bristled Brush Instead:

If you`re using a hard brush, you might want to consider replacing it right away even though you probably already know you should change your toothbrush every two to three months (or sooner if the bristles are frayed). Although medium- and firm-bristled toothbrushes may make you feel like your teeth are cleaner, they can be quite abrasive and eventually harm your teeth.

·      Begin by Brushing Your Back:

His good habit might help you clean those difficult-to-reach areas more thoroughly, which is important because your molars` numerous crevices make them more vulnerable to gum disease and cavities.

Giving the back of your mouth the attention it needs by starting your brushing routine in the back is an excellent strategy (at least occasionally). According to Dr. Lynch, "I always start brushing in the upper right side in the back." I usually use the same approach, so I know I won`t overlook any locations.

·      Add Chewing Gum and Mouthwash to Your Routine:

You might think that twice-daily brushing and flossing is plenty. However, following up with an antimicrobial mouthwash like Listerine, Antiseptic Mouthwash will destroy more dental bacteria and aid in the fight against plaque. Swish your mouth aggressively for 30 seconds twice daily after brushing and flossing.

One last suggestion is to chew gum. Sugar-free gum promotes salivary flow, which bathes the teeth in calcium and phosphate ions that help restore tooth enamel, and can help decrease the quantity of bacteria in your mouth.

·      Say Cheese with Sparkling Oral Health:

Daily maintenance is necessary for oral health since it includes our delicate teeth and tongue, which serve as the tools for chewing and tasting food and frequently take the brunt of unhealthful eating decisions. The dental system regularly provides the body with what it requires on a daily basis, but how often have we questioned whether we are taking good care of it?

Neglecting one`s dental hygiene and general health can damage one`s appearance and result in many different health problems, including pneumonia, dementia, heart disease, and cancer.

You did read that correctly.

Poor dental hygiene is a contributing factor in many serious and even fatal health problems!

Spend a few minutes reading this article to discover how to maintain and protect your dental health.